
How can I change the status of my transaction?

There are two options to do this.

  1. Open the transaction detail screen and click on the 'Status' field. A dropdown menu is shown in which you can choose the status you want.
  2. Right click on the transaction in the transaction overview from which you want to change the status of. Select 'Select a new status' and choose a status from the dropdown menu.

ℹ️ Click HERE for a more detailed explanation.

Why can't I change the status of my transaction?

Your transaction possibly has the status 'Processed'. Processed transactions can not be changed anymore.

Why can't I change the order of my item-columns in the transaction overview?

The order of your item-columns is based on item configurations. So if you would like to change the order, you have to change it in the item configuration. Here you can drag the items in the order you like. ℹ️ Click HERE for a more detailed explanation.

Why can't I book a return transaction?

If a transaction is already of type 'Return' it is not possible to book a return transaction. Also for some return transactions you need a carrier. For instance when you want to book a counter transaction to carrier. If the original transaction has no carrier fild in, it is not possible to create a return transaction.


How do I need to interpret the balance overview email?

In this email you find a table with the columns 'We owe you' and 'You owe us'. You need to reed this from the perspective of the part that recieves the email. For instance I recieve the email as location A, from location B. This means that location A recieves the item quantities from location B, that are shown in the column 'We owe you'. Location A ows location B the item quantities that are shown in the column 'You owe us'.


Why are the filters on my report not working?

Make sure you click the blue 'Apply filters' button after you have set the filters. Otherwise when downloading a report, the filters will not be set.


Why don't I see all the location types when adding a new location?

This is probably because of your administration settings. If you go to 'configuration', 'administration settings' and then to 'locations' you see the location settings. In this window you can enable or disable the types of locations you want to use in your administration. The location types that are enabled are visible when adding a new location.

ℹ️ Click HERE for a more detailed explanation.

Why can't I delete my location?

If your location has a item balance, it is not possible to delete this location because this will also impact the balance of other locations and carriers as well.

I have two locations that are merged. How can I arrange this in TrackOnline?

TrackOnline offers the option to merge locations. You can do this on the location page in the base data menu. In the location overview, on the right side of the window you will find the 'Action' button. One of the actions is 'Merge location'.

ℹ️ Click HERE for a more detailed explanation about the merging of locations.


Can my carrier build up a item balance?

Yes. A carrier works simular to locations, with the exception that carriers are the ones that are transporting a transaction between locations. If you send a transaction to a carrier, this carrier build up a balance.

Why can't I delete my carrier?

If your carrier has a item balance, it is not possible to delete this carrier because this will also impact the balance of other locations and carriers as well.


I have items in my administration but I don't see them in my item dashboard?

This is probably due to the fact that the information for the item dashboard is gathered via the IoT module. This means that you have to register unique items with the help of our Mobile App. Only then the items are visible in the dashboard.

ℹ️ Click HERE for a more detailed explanation about unique items.


Is there a limit of users in a usergroup?

No. You can add as many users in a usergroup as you like. It is also possible to add a user to multiple usergroups at once.

Why can't I delete a usergroup?

This can be because of two reasons. One, if a user in the group becomes groupless, you can not remove the usergroup. You first have to remove the user or add the user to another usergroup. Two, it's possible that the usergroup is a 'Read Only' group. You don't have the permissions to remove the group.


In TrackOnline you can use different kind of shortcuts. This makes your work even more easy and faster. Check out the table below for the key-combinations.

Shortcut questionmarkOpen help menuGeneral
Shortcut escapeClose menu/windowGeneral
Shortcut new transactionNew transaction with last selected typeGeneral
Save and close transactionSave and close transactionTransaction details
Save and new transactionSave and new transactionTransaction details
Save and book a return transactionSave and book a return transactionTransaction details
Jump to 'Select an item...'Jump to 'Select an item...'Transaction details


I have been invited to use TrackOnline and I want to make more use of it, how can I buy a license?

You can click on the Buy now button at the top. Then you just need to fill in your information in a form and you will get a Start license. A confirmation email will be sent to you. You can learn more about what is included with your Start license HEREopen in new window.

Instruction videos 🎥

Did you know we have multiple instruction videos about TrackOnline? Check out the videos below.


I want to know more about Locationsopen in new window

I want to know more about Itemsopen in new window

I want to know more about Transactionsopen in new window

I want to know more about Base dataopen in new window

I want to know more about Invited usersopen in new window

I want to know more about Balance confirmationsopen in new window